Since starting this blog lots has gone on.
Allow me a brief recap of the highlights so far:
Started Dance Lessons with Sasha Valerie
Valentine's Day Masquerade with Dances Of Vice
Joined NY Botanical Garden, went to the orchid show and
hiked the whole garden
Big husband pie birthday party for Andy
Several long hikes along The Palisades
Serious Salsa Dancing @ Dinosaur BBQ in Harlem NY
Helped our son Austen write a paper on Arthur Dove
10 days in Puerto Rico !
Villa Montana
beach resort
The Gallery Inn
El Yunque rainforest
Kayaking the bio bay
with Bespoke Tours (highly recommended)
El Morrow Ft
More Salsa Dancing at the Nuyuorican Cafe and many others.
More fabulous fun with DoV at the Japan Society.
We have been heavily researching our trip in the coming year
and made some changes. To avoid the Visa hassle of Russia
we are limiting our time there to 3 days and booking a tour from Helsinki . Similar Visa
concerns in Bali and Thailand
mean we will be limiting those countries to a month and spending a couple weeks
travelling around there. Possibly Singapore
and Cambodia , maybe Taiwan or Malaysia . We are wanting to spend
some time in Italy again, so
maybe we will hit Northern Italy, and Southern Switzerland and Austria while
we are in the area, hopefully during the summer time.
Because life is too short and the world is too big to just sit around. Trot about some!