LuAnn and Andy are a pair of creative types from the greater NY/NJ area who met through in Jan. 2008 and got hitched in Aug. 2009. LuAnn paints watercolors and works in interior design. Andy plays many instruments and sings, with sidelines in writing, photography & languages and he works in software development.
We like to travel and since meeting we've been all over the damn place. Boston, DC, Miami, Vegas, London, Paris, Rome, and Barcelona, just to name a few. After every trip we always wished we had more time so finally we decided that it was time to sell the house, get rid of our stuff and travel around the world. did. Well, we sold the house and got rid of about half our stuff. We're working on the other half now.
The coming itinerary includes (but is not limited to) Bali, Thailand, Japan, Greece, a summertime jaunt through some great northern cities including St Petersburg, Helsinki, Tallinn & Copenhagen, Edinburgh, Cork, and Amsterdam, then on to Portugal. We figure that'll take about a year. After that? We'll see.
So! This is a good place to record our adventures in words, pictures & video, keep in touch with all our new and old friends, and share our experiences with you, our intrepid readers. Welcome aboard! we hope you enjoy the ride.